Numerical of Bresenham’s Circle Algorithm

Numerical of Bresenham’s Circle Algorithm

Bresenham’s Circle Algorithm

Draw a circle using BCA having radius as 10 and center of circle (100,100).

S-1; Enter the center h=100, k=100 and radius r=10.

S-2: Find d=3-2*(10)= -17  and take x = 0 , y = 10 ;

S-3: If (d>=0) then x = x +1 and y = y -1 ; d = d + 4*(x-y) + 10;

S-4: if (d <0) then x =x +1 and d = d +4*x + 6;

Where to stop : x or y = 10/sqrt(2) which is 10/1.414= approx = 7. So either x or y reaches 7, the algorithm will stop.

Bresenham’s Circle Algorithm (r=10,h,k=100)
Step Number X Y d Pixel
1 0 10 -17 (x +h ,y +k) = 100,110
2 1 10 -7 101,110
3 2 10 7 102,110
4 3 9 -7 103,109
5 4 8 15 104,108
6 5 7 Time to STOP Algo. 105,107

Rest of the points will be plotted using 8-Way Symmetry.