Case Study-Organizing

Case Study-Organizing


Q1; Aryan is given the responsibility of managing the college fete. to make the eventr succesful he divided the whole activity into task groups each dealing with a specific area like the food committee , the decoration committee and so on.

After giving each task to an individual he kept overall suoervision in its own hands and made sure that there should be coordination among all the activities. In the above case one of the important function of management is performed by Aryan. Identify the function and explain its process.
Answer; Organising and process of organising

Q2; In a school , twelve students were given the work for the school library in the summer vacations. One afternoon they were told to unload the shipment of new releases, stock the book shelves and then dispose off all the waste. So instead of all students doing work in their own way they decided to make Ramit as their group leader to supervise the work by grouping students, dividing the work, assigning each group their quotaand developing reporting relationship among them. Due this job was done in a faster manner. Identify the function and the steps of process of function of management performed by Ramit.
Answer; Organising and process of organising.
Q3; Amita opened her own travel agency, Sometime back. She assigned work to her three employees in the following manner ” Sneha, you are incharge of air plane, train and bus reservations’ Ketan, you will take care of accommodation booking’ . ” Rahil you will keep ntrack of online queries and credit card payments” I want all of you to report me regularly. The above distribution of work has led to formation of a framework with in which all the tasks will be performed. Name that framework nd explain its importance.

Answer; Organising structure, Importance of organising structure.

Q4; Vishal Ltd. has started cloth manufacturing industry. For each and every activity related with manufacturing and sales a seprate department has been created and for every department a expert is hired. Identify the type of organising structure formed by Vishal ltd.
Answer; Functional structure

Q5; Vishal Ltd. Which was earlier engaged only in manufacturing and selling of clothes , now due to changing environment started dealing in shoes and bags also, but kept its structre the same due to which now there is lot of chaos nd inefficiencyleading to fall in profits. Suggest the remedy.
Answer; It should adopt Divisional structure.

Q6 ; For the employees of One Shield Company , management organises a cricket match every month and interested employees take part in it. According to company their this effort help them in creating a feeling oif belongingness among the employees which further helps in achieving organisational goals. Identify the concept of organising intentinally used by Management.
Answer; Informal organisation

Q7; Mr. kiaan who is a boss of Aiysha Ltd. delegated some of his work to his subordinate and instructed him” You are incharge of this project. I am here if you need me” . Which element of delegation is highlighted in the above case.
Answer; Accountability

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