MCQs on Surface Chemistry Part-1

MCQs on Surface Chemistry Part-1

MCQs on Surface Chemistry Part-1

Objective Type Questions for Surface Chemistry

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Please refer to these multiple-choice questions on Surface Chemistry.

Find answers at end of this page.

Q1 In Zeiglar natta polymerization of Ethene the active species is 

  • (a)AlCl3   
  • (b) Et3Al   
  • (c) C2H4    
  • (d)   Ti(III)

(a) It forms a complex with impurities   

(b) makes mud water-soluble   

(c)  Sulphate part coagulates mud   

(d)  Al3+ coagulates mud particles

Q3  The simplest way to distinguish b/w true solutions and colloids

  •  (a) Tyndall Effect  
  • (b)  Electrophoresis  
  • (c)  Peptisation  
  • (d) none

Q4  In case of autocatalysis

  •  (a) Product act as a catalyst  
  • (b) Reactant catalyzes  
  • (c) Heat of reaction catalyzes 
  •  (d) Solvent catalyses

Q5Which of the following is correctly matched

  • Emulsion – Curd  
  • (b)  Foam- Mist  
  • (c) Solid Sol – Cake  
  • (d)  Aerosol- Smoke

Q6 Concentration of electrolyte required to coagulate a given amount of arsenic sulphide sol is minimum in case of 

  • (a) K2SO4  
  • (b)  Al(NO3)3  
  • (c)  Mg(NO3)2   
  • (d)   KNO3

Q7  Colloidal solution of gold prepared by different methods have different colours because  

  •  (a) Au show variable valency  
  • (b)  Different sizes of colloidal gold particles  
  • (c)  Due to impurities present  
  • (d) Due to solvent

Q8  Electrical disintegration method (Bredig Arc Method)  used for the preparation of Gold sol involves 

  • (a) Electrolysis  
  • (b) Micells  
  • (c) Coagulation  
  • (d)  Dispersion as well as Condensation

Q9 Which act as autocatalyst during titration of KMnO4 and  Oxalic acid in acidic medium

  • (a) Sulphuric acid  
  • (b)    KMnO  
  • (c)  Oxalic Acid  
  • (d)  MnSO4

Q10 Which of the following does not involve coagulation

  •  (a) Formation of deltas  
  • (b)  Peptization  
  • (c)  Treatment of drinking water        
  • (d)  Clotting of blood by Ferric Chloride

Q11  The formation of Micells takes place only above  

  • (a) Inversion temperature  
  • (b)  Boyles temperature  
  • (c) Kraft temperature      
  • (d) Wein temperature 

Q12  Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide is a popular

(a) Anionic detergent        

(b) Cationic detergent  

(c)  Non Ionic detergent  

(d)  None of these

Q13  The function of Gum Arabic in preparation of Indian Ink is 

  • (a) Coagulation  
  • (b)  Peptisation  
  • (c)  Protective action  
  • (d) adsorbent

Q14 STEM stands for  

(a) Scanning Tunneling Electron Microscope  

(b)  Scanning transmission electron microscope  

(c) both  

(d)  none

Q15 The mismatch is  

(a) [RhCl(PPh3)3] – Hydrogenation   

(b)Ni – Reduction  

(c)  TiCl4 + Et3Al – Polymerization  

(d) N2O5 — Haber bosch process 


1 d
2 d
3 a
4 a
5 d
6 b
7 b
8 d
9 d
10 b
11 C
12 b
13 a
14 c
15 d
Answers to above questions

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