MCQs on Moving Charges and Magnetism - Chapter -4 Class 12 Physics
Multiple Choice Questions with their answers on chpater -4 Moving Charges and Magnetism for class 12 NVERT.
All important questions are in one place to help the student revise the concepts.
A. What is the formula of Lorentz force
q = charge
B = Magnetic Fields
E = Electric Fields
v = Velocity of charge
- F = q (v + B + E)
- F = q (v * B * E)
- F = q (v * B + E)
- F = q + (v + B + E)
Answer 3
B. A charged particle is moving in a circle, and the force acting on it is not zero. What would be gain in particle’s energy
1 Zero
2 Infinity since the particle is moving in a circle continuously
3 Answer can not be obtained from the information provided
4 None of the above
Answer 1
C. According to Lorentz force concept if a charge is not moving then magnetic force on the charge is
- Four times as that of velocity
- Zero
- Same as that of electric force
- None of the above
Answer 2
D. For a point charge moving with a velocity v, the applied magnetic field is parallel to the velocity, what would be forced due to the magnetic field
- Product of velocity and magnetic field
- Infinity
- Zero
- One
Answer 3
E. Please pick the correct option
- The gravitational force depends on the intervening medium of two bodies while the electrostatic force does not depend upon the intervening medium between two charges
- Both gravitational and electrostatic forces depend upon the interviewing medium of two bodies
- Both gravitational and electrostatic forces do not depend upon the interviewing medium of two bodies
- The gravitational force does not depend on the intervening medium of two bodies while the electrostatic force depends upon the intervening medium between two charges
Answer 4
F. A straight wire is held in the air and it is held there by the horizontal magnetic force. The mass of wire is 1 Kg and length is 10 m and it has a current of 10 A. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field
- 9.8 T
- 0.098 T
- 0.98 T
- 98 T
Answer 2
G. A particle has velocity v and traveling along the x-axis, the magnetic field B is along with y-axis. What would be the direction of magnetic force
- x-axis
- Y-axis
- Z-axis
- None of the above
Answer 3
H. Please pick the correct statement
- The frequency of revolution of a charged particle in a magnetic field is independent of energy
- The frequency of revolution of a charged particle in a magnetic field is dependent on energy
- The frequency of revolution of a charged particle in a magnetic field is proportional to the energy
- The frequency of revolution of a charged particle in a magnetic field is inversely proportional to the energy
Answer 1
I. The cyclotron uses the following to increase the energy of charged particles
- Electric field
- Magnetic field
- Sometimes electric and sometimes magnetic field
- Electric and Magnetic fields
Answer 4
J. Please pick the correct statement
- In a cyclotron, magnetic and electric fields are perpendicular to each other
- In a cyclotron, magnetic and electric fields are parallel to each other
- In a cyclotron, magnetic and electric fields are at 45 degrees to each other
- In a cyclotron, only magnetic field exits
Answer 1
K. Please pick the correct statement
- In a cyclotron, the magnetic field makes the particle go round in a circular path
- In a cyclotron, the electric field makes the particle go round in a circular path
- In a cyclotron, the electric and magnetic field makes the particle go round in a circular path
- In a cyclotron, the electric or magnetic field makes the particle go round in a circular path
Answer 1
L. In cyclotron, what causes the acceleration of charged particles
- Magnetic field
- Electric Field
- Magnetic and Electric Field
- Sometimes Magnetic sometimes Electric Field
Answer 2
M. What is resonance condition in cyclotron
- The frequency of dees polarity adjustment is equal to the frequency of ions to complete one full revolution
- The frequency of dees polarity adjustment is equal to the frequency of ions to complete a parallel revolution
- The frequency of dees polarity adjustment is equal to the frequency of ions to complete one half of the revolution
- The frequency of dees polarity adjustment is equal to the frequency of ions to complete a prependicular revolution
Answer 3
N In cyclotron, time of revolution of an ion is not dependent on _________ of its orbit
- Speed
- Radius
- Speed or Radius
- None of the above
Answer 3
O The principle of superposition applies to:
- Biot-Sarvart Law of the magnetic field
- Coulomb Law of an electrostatic field
- Both 1 and 2
- None of the above
Answer 3
P.________ source creates electrostatic field while _______ source creates magnetic field
- Scaler, Vector
- Vector, Scaler
- Scaler, Scaler
- Vector, Vector
Answer 1
Q What is the magnetic field at the center due to the 10 A current flowing in a coil of 1 m
- 62.83 * 10 – 1
- 62.83 * 10 – 5
- 62.83 * 10 – 3
- 62.83 * 10 – 7
Answer 4
R. Using Ampere’s law find out the magnetic field of 5 amp current flowing in a circular loop with a radius 0.5 m
Magnetic field constant = 4*3.14 * 10 – 7
- 1 * 10-6
- 3 * 10-6
- 4 * 10-6
- 2 * 10-6
Answer 4