Turing Test

Turing Test

Turing Test

Turing in 1950s, published an article , which triggered a controversial topic “Can a Machine Think?” In that article he proposed a game called imitation game which was later called TURING TEST.

In this Test, we need two persons and a computer. One person is interrogator who is in separate room from the computer and the other person. The interrogator asks some questions by typing questions and receives responses the same way. The interrogator has to determine which of them a person is and which of them machine. If machine can make fool of interrogator by not disclosing his actual nature or if interrogator cannot figure out which one of them is machine and which is human then it can be concluded that the machine can think.

Turing Test is not that easy as it was proposed. Humans are more superior in creativity, commonsense reasoning and logic and computers are more accurate and faster in numeric computation. There is lesser chance that computer is wrong in numeric computation instead of human beings.

Turing test

Turing test

Criticism of Turing Test:

  • Other researchers said that the test determines the intelligence of a programmer, who programmed it and not the machine.

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