
MCQs on Waves – Chapter -15

MCQs on Waves – Chapter 15 for Class 11 CBSE

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Waves – Chapter 15 for Class 11 CBSE

Multiple choice questions and their answers for Chapter 15 – Waves. The content is prepared by experts, especially for

A. Some waves ……travel through ….. 

  1. Can, Vacuum
  2. Can not, Vacuum
  3. All, Vacuum
  4. All, No Vacuum

Answer 1

B. Which waves out of the following require a medium for traveling

  1. Water Waves
  2. Sound Waves
  3. Seismic Waves
  4. All of the above

Answer 4

C. Electromagnetic waves in Vacuum travel at the speed of 

  1. Sound
  2. Light
  3. Force applied
  4. Momentum applied

Answer 2

D. In ________ wave components of the medium oscillate perpendicular to the direction of the wave, white in __________ they propagate along the direction of the wave.

  1. Longitudinal, Transverse
  2. Transverse, Longitudinal
  3. Longitudinal, Electromagnetic
  4. Electromagnetic, Longitudinal

Answer 2

E. Capillary waves are produced by ____________

  1. The surface tension of water
  2. Gravity
  3. Newton’s third law
  4. Thermodynamics first law

Answer 1

F. The wavelength of gravity waves range from a few _____ to a few ______

  1. Meters, Kilometers
  2. Meters, hundred meters
  3. Meters, Miles
  4. Miles, Meters

Answer 2

G. In one medium, Transverse and Longitudinal travel at _____ speeds

  1. Same speeds
  2. Different speeds
  3. Sometimes same, and sometimes different
  4. Neither same nor different

Answer 2

H. Amplitude of a wave is always

  1. Negative
  2. Zero
  3. Positive
  4. Sometimes positive and sometimes negative

Answer 3

I Sound travels quicker in _______ and __________ than ________

  1. Gases, Solids, Liquids,
  2. Solids,  Gases, Liquids
  3. Solids, Liquids, Gases
  4. Gases, Solids, Liquids, Gases

Answer 3 

J Pressure variations throughout propagation of sound are:________

  1. Isothermal
  2. Adiabatic
  3. Isobaric
  4. Isochoric

Answer 2

K. When the pulses coincide the final displacement is the ________ of the displacement due to every pulse

  1. algebraic sum
  2. Multiplication
  3. Square
  4. Log

Answer 1 

L. If a wave falls obliquely on the boundary between two different media, the transmitted wave is called 

  1. Reflected Wave
  2. Refracted Wave
  3. Electromagnetic wave
  4. Magnetic Wave

Answer 2 

M. The point where wave amplitude is zero are called _______ and the point where it is maximum is called ________

  1. Wavelength, node
  2. Node, Wavelength
  3. Node, Antinode
  4. Antinode, Node

Answer 2

N. The smallest feasible natural frequency of a system is called 

  1. Fundamental Mode
  2. First Harmonic
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None of the above

Answer 3 

M. What causes beats phenomenon in waves

  1. Reflection
  2. Refraction
  3. Interference
  4. None of the above

Answer 3

O. What is the Doppler effect

  1. When a fixed origin of sound is approached with top speed, the pitch of the sound seems to be higher than that of origin to a spectator
  2. When a fixed origin of sound is approached with top speed, the pitch of the sound seems to be same  that of origin
  3. When a fixed origin of sound is approached with top speed, the pitch of the sound seems to be lower than that of origin
  4. When the spectator moves away from the origin of sound, the frequency becomes lower than that of origin (to spectator).
  5. Both 1 and 4

Answer 5


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