
MCQs – Thermodynamics – Chapter -12

MCQs on Thermodynamics CLASS 11

Love to learn

A. Equilibrium in mechanics means

  1. Net outside force and torque on an object are zero
  2. A net outside force is zero
  3. Net Torque is Zero
  4. Net Outside force or Torque is zero

Answer 1

B. What is adiabatic wall same as that of

  1. Conduction Wall
  2. Convection Wall
  3. Radiation Wall
  4. Insulation Wall

Answer 4

C. What is diathermic Wall

  1. A wall that allows energy flow
  2. A wall that does not allow energy flow
  3. Insulation Wall
  4. Electromagnetic Wall

Answer 1 

D. The Zeroth law of thermodynamics states that:

  1. Two systems are always in thermal equilibrium or balance with each other
  2. Two systems can never be in thermal equilibrium or balance with each other
  3. Two systems in thermal equilibrium or balance with a third system individually are in thermal equilibrium or balance with each other
  4. Two systems in thermal equilibrium or balance with a third system individually are not in thermal equilibrium or balance with each other

Answer 3

E. First law of thermodynamics is

  1. Law of conservation of energy
  2. Law of non conversation of energy
  3. Is same as that of Zeroth law of thermodynamics
  4. Is same as that of second law of thermodynamics

Answer 1

F. The pressure-volume curve for a constant temperature is known as 

  1. Isotope
  2. Isotherm
  3. Neotherm
  4. Extensive

Answer 2

G. Two thermodynamic state variables are 

  1. Extensive and Intrinsic
  2. Extrinsic and Intrinsic
  3. Extensive and Intensive
  4. External and Internal

Answer 3

H. Extensive systems specify:

  1. Size
  2. Temperature
  3. Pressure
  4. Boiling Point

Answer 1

I. The variables that do not get changed for every part of two-part system are

  1. Intensive
  2. Extensive
  3. Isothermic
  4. Exothermic

Answer 1

J. The variables whose value get halved  for every part of two part system are

  1. Intensive
  2. Extensive
  3. Isothermic
  4. Exothermic

Answer 2

K. A operation in which the temperature of the body is kept fixed throughout 

  1. Adiabatic
  2. Isothermal
  3. Isobaric
  4. Isochoric

Answer 2

L.  An operation in which the pressure of the body is kept fixed throughout 

  1. Adiabatic
  2. Isothermal
  3. Isobaric
  4. Isochoric

Answer 3

M.  A operation in which the volume of the body is kept fixed throughout 

  1. Adiabatic
  2. Isothermal
  3. Isobaric
  4. Isochoric

Answer 4

O. A operation in which no heat flow between a body and environment

  1. Adiabatic
  2. Isothermal
  3. Isobaric
  4. Isochoric

Answer 1

P. With respect to the Isothermal process, what is the ideal gas equation

P = pressure

V = Volume

  1. P/V = Constant
  2. PV = Constant
  3. V/P = Constant
  4. P = Constant

Answer 2

Q. A __________ is the opposite of a heat engine while it is the same as that of heat pump

  1. Refrigerator
  2. Device
  3. Adiabatic
  4. Isobaric

Answer 1

R According to the second Law of thermodynamics efficiency of a heat engine can never be 

  1. Infinity
  2. Zero
  3. Unity
  4. Negative

Answer 3

S Pick a Kelvin Plank Statement

  1. A process is achievable whose only purpose is the absorption of heat from a reservoir and the complete conversion of heat into work
  2. A process is achievable whose only purpose is the emittance of heat from a reservoir and the complete conversion of heat into work
  3. No process is achievable whose only purpose is the absorption of heat from a reservoir and the complete conversion of heat into work
  4. No process is achievable whose only purpose is the emittance of heat from a reservoir and the complete conversion of heat into work

Answer 3

T. A process is reversible if it is 

  1. Static and dissipative
  2. Non-static and dissipative
  3. Non-static and Non- dissipative
  4. Static and Non- dissipative

Answer 3

U. A _______ heat engine working between two temperatures is Carnot engine

  1. Irreversible
  2. Reversible
  3. Irreversible or Reversible
  4. Irreversible and Reversible

Answer 2


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