
2d- Scaling Transformation

In simple words , scaling means an object can be viewed differently with various scales. An object with length 3cm might appear small when viewed with a scale in meters. Cars will appear bigger if you are looking down on the cars parked at a parking lot from 2nd floor of a building, but same set of cars will appear small from 8th floor of a building. Please notice what is object is not changing its size. Only distance , measurement scale is getting different.

A scaling transformation changes the size of an object. Sx and Sy are considered as scaling factors. If scaling factors have the value more than 1 then size of the object increases and if the values are low that 1 then compression happens.

If (x,y) are the coordinates of an object and (x’,y’) are the coordinates of transofrmed object then x’ and y’ after scaling is defined as follows.

x’ and y’=y*sy

The above two equations can be represented with matrix as:

Scaling Matrix

Lets understand the concept of scaling by solving a numerical

Problem Statement:

Perform a scaling transformation on an object in square shape which is at coordinates A(0, 3), B(3, 3), C(3, 0), D(0, 0) with the scaling parameter as 2 towards X axis and 3 towards Y axis. also find new coordinates of the object.

S-1: In this case we have Point A with x1=0, y1=3, Point B with x2 =3 , y2 =3, Point C with x3=3 and y3=0, The last point or vertices D with x4=0 and y4=0. Scaling Parameters are given as Sx=2 and Sy=3.

S-2: The matrix in this case would be (3×4) , because of 4 corners of the square. The Matrix would be

Scaling Matrix- (A B C D are the labels only)

S-3: After multiplication of above matrices the new coordinates after performing scaling transformation. A’=(0,6) B(6,9), C(6,0) and D(0,0)

Final Scaling Matrix


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