Characteristics of AI Problems:

The nature of AI Problems is way different from conventional problems.

AI Problems may have many solutions to one given problem like you don’t win the chess the same way always. AI Problems will require knowledge which will come from the knowledge database. The knowledge database is created if the knowledge is written in a specific format. The major differences between conventional programs with AI programs are mentioned below along with characteristics of AI Problems. 

The AI programs manipulate symbols whereas conventional programs deal with numerical processing.
Explanation :

Conventional Programs deals processing with numbers which are easy as compared to processing symbols.

Understanding the paragraph written by a stenographer in shorthand will also be more difficult than understanding the paragraph written in English.

The basis of AI program is that it must be able to manipulate the knowledge and it has to be represented in a way that in which it can be easily manipulated.

Explanation :

AI programs can only manipulate knowledge if it is written in a specific format. So writing the knowledge in a specific format is a challenge. Knowledge has to be written in Left Hand –> Right-Hand pair. 

The problems of AI deal with have a combinational explosion of various solution paths. E.g. Chess problem or in general game playing.
Explanation :

The only common thing between the games like snakes and ladders, Rubik’s cube, Tik Tak Toe is there are so many possible ways to win the game. In cricket, you will not always have the same score to chase in the same number of balls. Combinational explosion refers to the high number of ways available for any given problem.

A very important characteristic of AI program is its ability to learn through experience. E.g. we become perfect in a particular task if we have experience of tackling it.
Explanation :

Practice makes the machine perfect. Machine stores the solution once found for a problem so that another search for a solution is not required. Just like humans, we don’t do the same mistake again as we gain experience to handle it.

The AI problems involve a large amount of knowledge base as compared to conventional programs which require database only.
Explanation :

You have to create a database for a conventional program whereas for AI problems we need the database which is referred to as Knowledge bank.

The AI programs are inferential in nature whereas conventional programs are recursive in nature.
Explanation :

AI programs are characterized by deriving conclusions on the basis of proof or reasoning.

The AI problem use a heuristic technique to search a solution path where a traditional program uses algorithmic search.
Explanation :

AI uses a guided path to find a solution, Guidance for picking a path is provided in terms of distance left or cost to reach the goal. For example, to reach Delhi from Noida, You will pick the road which reduces the distance to Delhi (Goal). The information of how much distance is left is called heuristic information. Notice that this helps in choosing right path out of so many paths available.


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